Key Functionalities

Achieving Digital Transformation on the Shop Floor is Attainable

Digital transformation on the shop floor is no longer a futuristic vision; it's a realistic path to success for manufacturers of all sizes. By adopting right digital technologies, SMEs can unlock hidden potential and gain a significant competitive edge.

Master Forms

Make your manual processes digital and easy to manage


Get instant access to different types of reports, like employee performance, task progress, quality control, material usage etc.


Mange employees, tasks, and processes digitally


Engage with customers through leads, inquiries, quotations, orders, and deliveries

250 +

Completed Projects

14 +

Years of Experience

200 +

Our Experts

10 +

Countries Served

Empowering SMEs to Achieve Operational Supremacy

In today's competitive manufacturing landscape, SMEs require robust solutions to optimize production processes and ensure compliance. PROFFLEX provides a user-friendly, cloud-based platform designed to streamline operations and empower your workforce.

PROFFLEX automates repetitive tasks, minimizing human error and maximizing productivity. Built with scalability in mind, PROFFLEX adapts to your evolving needs and industry trends, allowing you to embrace digital transformation in your manufacturing business.

Profflex Understand the struggles of Manufacturers

Profflex Manages Manufacturing Processes from Job Creation to Final Delivery, Offering Complete Visibility, Task Management, Detailed Reports, and Advanced CRM capabilities.

Two Operational Mode of Profflex

PROFFLEX is operational on Cloud based Web platform for Superior management and Tablet based android application for Production floor employees.

It offers a comprehensive view of approved work stages, streamlining the execution of processes and facilitating accurate reporting of finished products. This not only reduces paper usage significantly but also provides real-time visibility into production activities, enhancing overall efficiency.

Profflex's Advanced CRM Capabilities Enhance Manufacturing Excellence

Profflex is designed to go beyond mere production management. With its built-in Customer Relationship Management (CRM) features, Profflex enables manufacturers to manage customer relationships more effectively and efficiently. The system provides a comprehensive suite of tools that cover every aspect of the customer lifecycle, from lead generation to order fulfillment.

One of the key benefits of Profflex's CRM features is the ability to provide graphical representations of various modules. This visual representation can help manufacturers better understand their customer interactions and sales processes, leading to more informed decision-making. For example, manufacturers can easily track the status of leads and inquiries, visualize the progression of quotations to orders, and analyze the effectiveness of their sales efforts.

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